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A storm’s coming. A demographic storm. Today news outlets are reporting that a record 94,610,000 Americans are not in the labor force. According to the AP, “The proportion of adults either with a job or looking for one is at a 38-year low,” and “employers cut back sharply on hiring in September and added fewer
READ MOREAccording to The Atlantic, the American dream has been downsized. In fact, the American dream is no longer the simple wish of “home, job, and family.” Instead, many Americans simply dream about getting out of debt. “[W]hen a survey asked people which things were the most important to their personal American dream, only 26 percent
READ MOREAll of the good arguments for Pre-K education seem to be dropping like flies. One of principal arguments of Pre-K advocates is that it will ensure future academic success for students. But a recent study from the Peabody Research Institute at Vanderbilt University shows that any benefits of Pre-K soon disappear. Peabody studied Tennessee’s state-funded
READ MOREWhen I arrived in Rome for my study abroad program in 2000, one of my first visits was to the famous “Bone Church.” Marquis de Sade said of it, “I have never seen anything more striking.” Mark Twain called it “a spectacle for sensitive nerves.” The “Bone Church” is actually the crypt of the church
READ MOREHow often do you see people clamoring for more ‘critical thinking’? Quite often, I suspect. But do we really want more critical thinking or do we simply mean we want more thinking and reflecting? The emphasis in modernity on ‘critical’ is quite noticeable in social media. If one point of fault can be found (or
READ MORECalvin Coolidge became the 30th president of the United States in 1923, after the death of President Harding. Prior to being the vice president under President Harding, Coolidge had also served as governor of Massachusetts as well as in a variety of other government positions. Interestingly, despite earning the nickname of “Silent Cal” for his lack