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  • Why Karl Marx Desperately Needed Jordan Peterson’s Advice

    Why Karl Marx Desperately Needed Jordan Peterson’s Advice5

    As I make my way through Paul Kengor’s wonderful book The Devil and Karl Marx, numerous things stand out about the father of communism. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s hard to imagine a more wretched human being than Karl Marx. It was almost as if all of the worst traits of humanity were

  • Can Adam Smith Reach Gen Z?

    Can Adam Smith Reach Gen Z?1

    There’s a common assumption among the older generations that today’s college students are more swayed by socialism than ever before. There’s fear that this generation may be lost to the alluring temptations of “free” government programs and centrally planned economies. As a college professor over the past seven years, I have not found this to be the case. Make no mistake, the heralds of

  • The Housing Crisis Explained—With Mini Fridges

    The Housing Crisis Explained—With Mini Fridges3

    In a household of four guys, fridge space is what you might call prime real estate. I know this because I happen to live in one such household. For months we tried sharing the one fridge in the house. It was not pleasant. We had to have regular negotiations about how to allocate the limited


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