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  • Why Is Higher Ed So Expensive?

    Why Is Higher Ed So Expensive?2

    Two things seem like they should go without saying: People use their own money more efficiently than they use someone else’s, and the more you subsidize a thing the more of it you tend to get. Both profoundly apply to American higher education, a teetering tower of ivory made simultaneously skyscraping and bloated by federal

  • Conservatism Is About More Than Economics

    Conservatism Is About More Than Economics2

    Roger Scruton was perhaps the greatest conservative thinker of the modern era, and like all great thinkers, he didn’t spare his own side from critique. For example, he often pointed out that modern conservatives are happy to cheer on capitalism, but they rarely say anything about conserving traditional ways of life—or the natural environment. Are

  • Christianity, Capitalism, and Colonialism – Nothing To Be Ashamed Of

    Christianity, Capitalism, and Colonialism – Nothing To Be Ashamed Of2

    We’ve all heard the rhetorical attacks on Western Civilization—often centered on Christianity, capitalism, or colonialism, and often on all three. Among radical leftists, the consensus is that these elements are evil, but given that each is currently or historically integral to civilization as we know it, it’s worth examining the data to determine whether they


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