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  • The Therapeutic Power of Stories

    The Therapeutic Power of Stories1

    Stories hold a powerful sway over the human spirit. They reach us on the deepest levels, moving, inspiring, instructing, and even healing us, as modern therapeutic practice has shown. Stories and poems consolidate and interpret random occurrences and emotional and sensory activity—the raw inputs of experience—into a meaningful whole. This allows us to understand reality

  • Big Pharma and Media: Partners in Profit

    Big Pharma and Media: Partners in Profit1

    Seventy-five percent of the revenue from Fox News’ evening news is from pharmaceutical companies. This is according to an interview Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did with Valuetainment at the beginning of 2024. These pharma ads air during prime-time slots, and despite the decline in legacy media, as recently as April of this year, 1.9 million

  • America Is Undergoing a Political Realignment

    America Is Undergoing a Political Realignment1

    When I was growing up, the left regularly criticized Big Pharma and its influence on American politics. As recently as 2015, progressive stalwart Elizabeth Warren had “Big Pharma in her sights.” The right, meanwhile, was slow to criticize pharmaceutical companies. That dynamic was even evident in lobbying, with about 55 percent of Big Pharma’s political


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