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  • Annie Holmquist
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    Annie Holmquist

    Annie Holmquist served as the editor of Intellectual Takeout from 2018 to 2022. When not writing or editing, she enjoys reading, gardening, and time with family and friends.

Author's Posts

  • Thanksgiving According to the Founding Fathers

    Thanksgiving According to the Founding Fathers7

    Although the Pilgrims came in 1620 and held the First Thanksgiving shortly thereafter, the national holiday which we celebrate didn’t come into existence until 1863. But America was not without Thanksgiving celebrations in the intervening years. As the quotes below demonstrate, days of prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving became a frequent part of American life, particularly

  • Reading as a Family to Give Your Children an Educational Boost

    Reading as a Family to Give Your Children an Educational Boost4

    A friend of mine recently mentioned that her one-year-old daughter was finally starting to get interested in books, even to the point of interacting with them. She then imitated her daughter’s toddler voice as they delved into a Bible storybook the other day, her little girl scolding and admonishing Adam and Eve not to eat


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