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  • JD Vance’s Three Tips for Restoring Honor in our Society

    JD Vance’s Three Tips for Restoring Honor in our Society3

    So much attention has been devoted to President Donald Trump and the breakneck speed at which he’s making changes in our nation’s government the last few weeks that many may have missed something that his second in command, JD Vance, did. Tucked away on an obscure little corner of X, Vance left this unassuming note:

  • Being Present With Our Children

    Being Present With Our Children2

    Being present and engaged with our children in everyday life is difficult. Our attention is being pulled in a thousand directions! Especially in the modern digital age, parents face more distractions and more demands on our limited time than ever before. It’s enough for parents to feel like throwing up our hands and giving up.

  • Fathers, Make Your Families Happy

    Fathers, Make Your Families Happy1

    Would a father who focused only on making his family as happy as possible be an overly indulgent one? I think the answer depends both on the definition of happiness and the method by which the father promotes this happiness. We’ve all observed fathers who cannot stand the sight of their children’s tears and cave

  • Reforming Birth One Baby at a Time

    Reforming Birth One Baby at a Time4

    This week, I had the opportunity to talk about my birth experiences at a local university. I was one member of a panel of three women representing ICAN, the International Cesarean Awareness Network, to speak to a women’s studies class about the issue of birth and women’s treatment by the medical community. About half of

  • How Parenting Got So Intense

    How Parenting Got So Intense4

    You can’t find a better explanation of the rise of helicopter parenting and how, when and why that morphed into “intensive parenting” than this New York Times podcast from a few weeks ago, inspired by the surgeon general’s report on parental burnout. Michael Barbaro, host of “The Daily,” interviews Claire Cain Miller, a Times reporter

  • How to Step Into a New Future

    How to Step Into a New Future1

    They say the road to success is made by walking. For kids, that is literally true. Turns out that the more kids walk around, the more upward mobility they enjoy as adults, concluded a study in American Psychologist. The researchers, led by Shigehiro Oishi, wondered why there are such “large regional differences in upward social


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