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  • Lessons From the Zombie Genre

    Lessons From the Zombie Genre0

    Imagine a zombie. What does your zombie look like? How does it move? What does it eat? How does it spend its day? What if any hobbies does it have? More likely than not, you probably pictured a zombie of the George A. Romero variety: a slow-moving reanimated corpse that feasts on the flesh of

  • Friday Comic: Genealogy0

    Credit: OwenComics (store) X: @owenbroadcast Instagram: @owenbroadcast Save this article to favorites

  • Gregory Alan Isakov: A Master of Modern Folk Music

    Gregory Alan Isakov: A Master of Modern Folk Music1

    Maybe it’s the fact that Gregory Alan Isakov also works as a farmer, supplying some hundred CSAs and a few restaurants in Boulder, that makes his music so earthy, raw, and real. Isakov’s lyrics and sound–like his plants–are deeply rooted in the landscape, specifically the Western U.S. South-African born but residing in the U.S. since


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