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  • JD Vance’s Three Tips for Restoring Honor in our Society

    JD Vance’s Three Tips for Restoring Honor in our Society2

    So much attention has been devoted to President Donald Trump and the breakneck speed at which he’s making changes in our nation’s government the last few weeks that many may have missed something that his second in command, JD Vance, did. Tucked away on an obscure little corner of X, Vance left this unassuming note:

  • The Media Is Trying to Make You Mad

    The Media Is Trying to Make You Mad9

    If you’ve ever spent more than fifteen minutes on any social media or news platform, you’ve probably encountered “rage bait” content. Misleading headlines, out-of-touch opinions, and nonsensical commentary can be intentionally ridiculous, designed to make viewers click, view, and write scathing rebuttals in the comments section. Like it or not, the more it annoys us,

  • Being Present With Our Children

    Being Present With Our Children1

    Being present and engaged with our children in everyday life is difficult. Our attention is being pulled in a thousand directions! Especially in the modern digital age, parents face more distractions and more demands on our limited time than ever before. It’s enough for parents to feel like throwing up our hands and giving up.


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