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  • I Question the Protests on College Campuses Like Mine. Here’s Why.

    I Question the Protests on College Campuses Like Mine. Here’s Why.4

    Tensions about the Israel-Palestine conflict came to a head on many college campuses last spring. Tents arrived as students camped out for days, sometimes weeks. Some protests were disbanded through peaceful negotiation with administrators, while others were broken up by riot police, including at my own school. The result has been anything but peaceful. Students

  • A Case Against Checking In

    A Case Against Checking In2

    “How are we feeling today?” my teacher began. “Let’s do a quick check-in.” Typically, our check-ins involved a scale of one to five. One was the worst: It meant, the teacher explained, that we felt no motivation, had no energy, and couldn’t wait for the school year to end. Five was the best: It signaled

  • Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students

    Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students0

    I was asked the other day why parents and students do not have more say in their education in the government system, and my reply was simply “because that is the goal.” Specifically, the system exists to perpetuate itself and to propagandize large numbers of children each year so that they believe and pass on to their


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