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  • Finding Relief for the Anxious Generation in Schools and Beyond

    Finding Relief for the Anxious Generation in Schools and Beyond1

    As a new school year begins, many students have returned to a drastic shift in phone policies. A growing number of school districts—and even state legislatures—have introduced phone-free policies and are seeing kids come alive again. This shift is due at least in part to Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation, which makes a

  • Why Bible Stories Are Essential for Cultural Literacy

    Why Bible Stories Are Essential for Cultural Literacy0

    In March of 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama spoke of “A More Perfect Union” in a speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. In that speech, he used the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion’s den, and Ezekiel’s field of dry bones to bring life to his message.

  • When Back-to-School Blues Signal a Deeper Problem

    When Back-to-School Blues Signal a Deeper Problem1

    September’s crisp air once carried the promise of new beginnings for students. Fresh notebooks, sharpened pencils, and the excitement of reuniting with friends painted an idyllic back-to-school season. But for an increasing number of students and families, this annual rite of passage now brings a complex mix of emotions: anticipation tinged with anxiety, hope shadowed


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