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  • Betting on Homeschooling and Microschooling

    Betting on Homeschooling and Microschooling3

    I have spent the past thirty-five years creating small, highly-personalized schools where students flourish. I have, if you will, bet my life on the value of these schools—microschools before they became a thing. Over the course of that time, I’ve seen hundreds of children who were anxious, depressed—sometimes even suicidal—become happy and well within weeks

  • Why I Gave Up Latin, and How It Changed My Life

    Why I Gave Up Latin, and How It Changed My Life9

    In the homeschool arena where I grew up, knowledge of Latin was considered the hallmark of a well-educated child. As a mother who now is immersed in homeschool and private school social circles, I hear Latin’s praises sung on a regular basis, especially, and understandably, in those families and groups with classical approaches to learning.

  • Against Scolianormativity

    Against Scolianormativity2

    Scolianormative (adj.): The assumption that behaviors defined by institutionalized schooling are “normal.” An assumption that became pervasive in industrialized societies in which institutionalized schooling became the norm that resulted in marginalizing and harming millions of children. Once society began to question scolianormativity, gradually people began to realize that the norms set by institutionalized schooling were


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