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  • Ladies, Let’s Start Speaking Well of Men

    Ladies, Let’s Start Speaking Well of Men2

    There’s ample conversation about toxic masculinity in our culture today. In some circles, the consensus seems to be that all men want nothing but to wield power and subjugate women. Of course, many of us know that this isn’t true of all, or even most, men—we need the gifts of both genders to build a

  • How I’m Preparing My Children for World War III

    How I’m Preparing My Children for World War III7

    No one wants to see their child go off to war. But as a former intelligence officer and mother of two young sons, I’ve given a lot of thought to, well, the topic of war. I’ve considered the possibility that, if a global conflict broke out, my sons may find themselves suddenly called upon to

  • Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl on Collective Guilt

    Holocaust Survivor Viktor Frankl on Collective Guilt0

    Only in movies and books is the line between good and evil people always clear. In The Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 2), Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn immortalized these words: “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts.” Solzhenitsyn wrote those

  • How Poetry Can Help With the Grieving Process

    How Poetry Can Help With the Grieving Process1

    An unfortunate myth has captured the minds of many modern people: Poetry is inaccessible and irrelevant. I hear complaints to this effect from my students, sometimes, or read them in the comments sections of my articles. And I understand the sentiment. If you’ve never been exposed to classic poems with the guidance of a good

  • The Importance of Male Mentorship (and How to Find It)

    The Importance of Male Mentorship (and How to Find It)2

    My favorite comedic and outdoor author, Patrick McManus, said this in his book, A Fine and Pleasant Misery: “Every kid should have an old man. … Fathers are alright … but they spend entirely too much time … at work.” While written for humor, the wisdom of this idea has the potential to answer a

  • Did COVID-19 Usher in a Global Government?

    Did COVID-19 Usher in a Global Government?0

    In 2020, a dangerous pathogen swept the globe. The pandemic required government action, we were told, but the government of one nation was not enough. Even powerful governments (like that of the United States) worked with other governments to keep pandemic measures from being futile. In order to avoid a fatal lack of coordination, some


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