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  • 15 Books All Men and Boys Should Read

    15 Books All Men and Boys Should Read5

    Fostering the love of good literature is one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to others and one of the best gifts my parents and uncles gave me. In the modern and digital age of instant gratification where we can easily waste hours scrolling YouTube shorts, TikToks, and reels, the idea of reading

  • The Tyranny of Rationalism and Michael Oakeshott

    The Tyranny of Rationalism and Michael Oakeshott0

    Michael Oakeshott was one of the most important philosophers of the 1900s, but perhaps because he was an Englishman, his work is not very well known in America. That’s a shame. By tracing the deep roots of modern political thought, Oakeshott laid bare the dangers of rationalism—and predicted the divisive politics we see today. Oakeshott

  • The Cost of COVID: The Grueling and Expensive Journey to Treat V*ccine Injury

    The Cost of COVID: The Grueling and Expensive Journey to Treat V*ccine Injury2

    $40,000. That’s how much Kate Zerby has spent trying to put herself back together after the Moderna COVID vaccine wreaked havoc on her body. As Intellectual Takeout reported back in 2022, Kate Zerby of St. Paul, Minnesota, suffered a serious adverse reaction to her Moderna shot, beginning the night after she got it, February 16,

  • Rediscovering Long-Lost Conservatism

    Rediscovering Long-Lost Conservatism0

    Have the political parties always held the positions they do today? Has the right moved further right, or the left further left? The Republican Party of 2024 is far more liberal than the Democrat Party of the 1990s. With few exceptions, Republicans have consistently supported deficit spending, corporate welfare, and social welfare for decades now.

  • Research: Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Feel Close to Their Communities

    Research: Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Feel Close to Their Communities2

    Are American communities deteriorating? The Pew Research Center recently surveyed people from 24 countries, asking them whether they felt very/somewhat close to people in their country and/or people in their local community. The United States fell dead last when it came to a sense of solidarity with countrymen: Only 66 percent of Americans said that

  • What Is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Conservatism?

    What Is the Difference Between Libertarianism and Conservatism?10

    Conservatives and libertarians have much in common, but a few fundamental differences divide the two. For instance, both conservatives and libertarians value freedom, but conservatives place a higher emphasis on civilization’s role in ensuring that freedom. Similarly, both libertarians and conservatives believe in rights to life, liberty, and property. But libertarians usually think the American


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