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  • The Media Is Trying to Make You Mad

    The Media Is Trying to Make You Mad9

    If you’ve ever spent more than fifteen minutes on any social media or news platform, you’ve probably encountered “rage bait” content. Misleading headlines, out-of-touch opinions, and nonsensical commentary can be intentionally ridiculous, designed to make viewers click, view, and write scathing rebuttals in the comments section. Like it or not, the more it annoys us,

  • Being Present With Our Children

    Being Present With Our Children1

    Being present and engaged with our children in everyday life is difficult. Our attention is being pulled in a thousand directions! Especially in the modern digital age, parents face more distractions and more demands on our limited time than ever before. It’s enough for parents to feel like throwing up our hands and giving up.

  • Betting on Homeschooling and Microschooling

    Betting on Homeschooling and Microschooling3

    I have spent the past thirty-five years creating small, highly-personalized schools where students flourish. I have, if you will, bet my life on the value of these schools—microschools before they became a thing. Over the course of that time, I’ve seen hundreds of children who were anxious, depressed—sometimes even suicidal—become happy and well within weeks

  • 4 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Revive the West

    4 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Revive the West1

    As I look back on 2024, I see many green shoots giving me hope for Western Civilization. The United States Supreme Court appears poised to uphold a ban on the castration and mutilation of minors. European nations have begun counting the cost of unchecked immigration and are recovering their sense of national identity, security, and

  • It’s All About the Baby

    It’s All About the Baby1

    I have a confession to make: We barely decorated for Christmas this year. The extent of our festive furnishings is a humble 15-inch plastic tree in the middle of our kitchen table. How did it come to this? Let me start by saying I love Christmas, and I generally approach the season with an all-in

  • The Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christmas

    The Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christmas5

    It’s generally accepted that early Christians adopted December 25th as the day of Christ’s birth to co-opt the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. Some believe this fact undermines Christianity. But according to Professor William Tighe, this “fact” may actually be a myth. Based on his extensive research, Tighe argues that the December 25th date “arose entirely


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