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  • H.P. Lovecraft’s Politics

    H.P. Lovecraft’s Politics1

    Howard Phillips Lovecraft is, it seems, as popular as ever. “The indie Lovecraftian game Dredge is getting a live-action movie adaptation,” reports Screen Rant. And that’s just one recent example of the horror pioneer’s enduring influence. In this light, it’s worth asking what Lovecraft’s writing promoted ideologically, and to judge what portions of his political thought are

  • Don’t Skip the Boring Parts

    Don’t Skip the Boring Parts2

    When I taught literature, I had to frequently remind my students not to skip the “boring parts” of the books—things like long paragraphs describing scenery in Dickens’ Oliver Twist or the long list of ships that appears near the beginning of The Iliad. I understand the temptation. When I was their age, I frequently skimmed

  • Purposeless Masculinity in Beryl Bainbridge’s ‘The Birthday Boys’

    Purposeless Masculinity in Beryl Bainbridge’s ‘The Birthday Boys’0

    In the face of certain death, does being civilized matter? All the narrators of Beryl Bainbridge’s 1991 historical novel The Birthday Boys die. And still, knowing their deaths loom, they carry on with birthdays, religious practices, and virtues like loyalty and courage. Heavily based on real life diaries and letters, this novel is a hybrid


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