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  • Annie Holmquist
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    Annie Holmquist

    Annie Holmquist served as the editor of Intellectual Takeout from 2018 to 2022. When not writing or editing, she enjoys reading, gardening, and time with family and friends.

Author's Posts

  • The Training Today’s Teachers Really Need

    The Training Today’s Teachers Really Need1

    “If schools are going to be good, we need good teachers,” education researcher Michael McShane recently noted in a new study. That’s a no-brainer, right? Unfortunately, as McShane discovered, some of today’s teachers don’t believe they receive adequate preparation to teach in the classroom, particularly in the ever-expanding realm of alternative schools and education. As the

  • Going Local With the Little Red Microschool

    Going Local With the Little Red Microschool1

    Have you ever heard someone use the phrase “Go Local”? The concept, which encourages supporting local industries and businesses, has grown in popularity over the years with people of all political persuasions. But oddly enough, there’s one area where “go local” has been roundly shunned over the years, and that is education. Oh, sure, people

  • What Caused the Collapse of Parental Authority?

    What Caused the Collapse of Parental Authority?3

    You’ve been there. You’re in the store, minding your own business when suddenly you hear the angry screams of a child, interspersed with: “Johnny, get up off the floor this instant! I mean it, Johnny! By the time I count to three… Johnny, mommy will give you a cookie when we get to the car

  • Countering Propaganda One Read-Aloud at a Time

    Countering Propaganda One Read-Aloud at a Time2

    Between gender wars, deviant sexual education, declining academic achievement, and plain old safety issues, today’s schools have turned into landmines for parents and students. But while parents are increasingly seeing the problems their children are facing in school, it’s also hard to know how best to deal with them. Parents can take their children out


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