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The Simplest–but Most Overlooked–Way to Renew Our Culture
- Culture, Featured, History, Religion, Uncategorized
- February 11, 2025
One hundred and ten years ago this week, a Motor City magnate put his money where his mouth was. On 5 January 1914, Ford Motor Company doubled the wages of employees to $5.00 per day, incentivising assembly-line work. It was Henry Ford’s idea. The Detroit Journal’s headline “Henry Ford Gives Ten Million in 1914 Profits to His
READ MORELast year, I described a zoning kerfuffle that had gotten me into hot water with our local county authorities. I had, in a fit of naïveté, built a small wooden platform, put a canvas yurt on it, and rented it out as a popular “glamping” destination. Thinking that my rights as an American, private-property landowner made
READ MOREI recently took a car trip of about 150 miles. I’m still recovering from it, as I drove by myself and practically every mile was bumper to bumper (I exaggerate, but only slightly). So, I sat, stewed, and twiddled my thumbs. (I did so to baroque music, so it wasn’t a total waste, but still.…)
READ MOREYou’ve likely already seen him freely used across the Internet over the last two days. As of 2024, Steamboat Willie, the cartoon which introduced Mickey Mouse, entered the public domain. This means that Steamboat Willie and its depictions of Mickey Mouse is fair game for any usage (I’d guess Disney likely will still try to
READ MOREThe Aesop Fable known as The Ant and the Grasshopper offers a profound commentary on life and work. Its moral is at once striking and compelling, regardless of the reader’s background. One version of the fable goes as follows: One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out
READ MOREI was recently given a coin collection that belonged to another relative. Most of the coins in it are not in circulation anymore, and while you don’t see them every day, they are definitely not rare. Most aren’t in good condition either. In fact, they look much worse for wear than the coins you get