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  • Heather Carson
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    Heather Carson

    Heather Carson is a homeschooling mother of eight and lives on a hobby farm. She enjoys teaching her children, writing, gardening, and Saturday dates with her husband of 21 years.

Message from Heather: “Intellectual Takeout depends on donors like you to bring my work and the work of my stellar colleagues to the public. I love writing about education, culture, homesteading, and homeschooling for ITO. If you value that kind of content too, please consider making a donation today.”

Author's Posts

  • Reforming Birth One Baby at a Time

    Reforming Birth One Baby at a Time4

    This week, I had the opportunity to talk about my birth experiences at a local university. I was one member of a panel of three women representing ICAN, the International Cesarean Awareness Network, to speak to a women’s studies class about the issue of birth and women’s treatment by the medical community. About half of

  • Nature’s Medicine: Food

    Nature’s Medicine: Food15

    It’s tomato season on our hobby farm. This year I planted an unprecedented variety of tomatoes since I got some for free from the local feed store. So into the ground they went. I figured if I got some fruit, great, and if not, it was worth a try anyway. I’m pretty relaxed about my


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