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  • Kurt Mahlburg
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    Kurt Mahlburg

    Kurt Mahlburg is an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate architect, a primary school teacher, a missionary, and a young adults pastor. Since 2018, Kurt has been the Research and Features Editor at the Canberra Declaration. He is also a freelance writer and a regular contributor at Mercator, the Spectator Australia, Caldron Pool, and Intellectual Takeout. He is married to Angie, who hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Message from Kurt: “Intellectual Takeout depends on donors like you to continue bring my work to the public. If you value the preservation of Western values like faith, freedom, family, and life, please make a donation today.”

Author's Posts

  • 4 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Revive the West

    4 New Year’s Resolutions to Help Revive the West1

    As I look back on 2024, I see many green shoots giving me hope for Western Civilization. The United States Supreme Court appears poised to uphold a ban on the castration and mutilation of minors. European nations have begun counting the cost of unchecked immigration and are recovering their sense of national identity, security, and

  • It’s All About the Baby

    It’s All About the Baby1

    I have a confession to make: We barely decorated for Christmas this year. The extent of our festive furnishings is a humble 15-inch plastic tree in the middle of our kitchen table. How did it come to this? Let me start by saying I love Christmas, and I generally approach the season with an all-in

  • Average Americans and the Demise of DEI

    Average Americans and the Demise of DEI4

    “Walmart becomes latest — and biggest — company to roll back its DEI policies.” This headline, published last week by the Associated Press, provides yet more evidence that diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are on the retreat across America. “Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is rolling back its diversity, equity and inclusion policies, joining a

  • What Is Advent, and Why Does It Matter?

    What Is Advent, and Why Does It Matter?4

    Sunday, December 1 marked the beginning of Advent for 2024. But what exactly is Advent, and why does it matter? Advent comes from the Latin adventus, which means “coming.” In simple terms, Advent is the period on the church calendar directly preceding Christmas. Within the Christian worldview, Advent is a special time of preparation and