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  • The Root of War

    The Root of War0

    Samuel Eliot Morison was the Jonathan Trumbull Professor of American History at Harvard when World War II broke out. He went to President Roosevelt and asked if there would be an opportunity to write the history of the war while the combatants were alive and before “the ships were broken up and the sailors had

  • Harvard Study: 4 Characteristics of Coworkers Who Actually Suck

    Harvard Study: 4 Characteristics of Coworkers Who Actually Suck0

    Recent surveys have shown that 70% of Americans hate their jobs. In many cases, this hate is caused or fueled by having to work with some pretty contemptible people. These individuals can make life miserable for their coworkers, and often end up hurting the company, too. I assume that most of you could quickly rattle

  • One sentence that explains Trump’s popularity

    One sentence that explains Trump’s popularity0

    Mass human psychology plays a major role in determining who gets elected in this country of ours. That psychology, though, varies wildly depending on current events. Some men benefit from the times and some men are destroyed by the times. Would George Washington be electable today? Would Lincoln have succeeded at any other time than

  • Large Families Becoming an Oddity in America

    Large Families Becoming an Oddity in America0

    Comedian Jim Gaffigan recently gave a hilarious interview on traveling with his five kids. In it, he compared travelling with his children to “transferring serial killers from prison to prison… you have to be constantly aware,” and acknowledged that he and his wife “didn’t get a lot of sleep on the bus tour, but we

  • Study: School Might Be Harming Teens’ Health

    Study: School Might Be Harming Teens’ Health0

    • December 14, 2015

    Experts almost universally agree that exercise in an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. But what if the educational system is set up in a way that deters students from being active and, in turn, being healthier? Last week, the New York Times reported on a new study that shows that while teenagers spend about

  • They Had Weapons Control in Ancient Greece

    They Had Weapons Control in Ancient Greece0

    Recent shootings have once again revived debate about gun control in America. In considering the potential of greater gun control measures, it’s worthwhile looking at the issue from various angles: the rule of law, philosophy, recent events, the example of other countries, changes in the modern social context, and… history. Though historical precedent should not


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