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  • Rebekah Bills
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    Rebekah Bills

    Rebekah Bills served four years as a civilian intelligence officer in the Defense Intelligence Agency, earning 6 Individual Act Awards, DIA’s Science and Technology Mission Enabler Award, and the Director’s Personal Coin. Now—her best assignment to date—she cares for her two young sons, Gabriel and Emmanuel, and her exuberant Great Dane puppy, Beowulf.

Message from Rebekah: “Intellectual Takeout depends on donors like you to continue bring my work to the public. I am able to thoughtfully—and without pressure to conform to any agenda—delve into foreign affairs, the unique challenges that today’s parents face, cultural issues, and so much more thanks to ITO’s platform and support. Please consider donating today!”

Author's Posts

  • Why We Shouldn’t Abandon Our Institutions

    Why We Shouldn’t Abandon Our Institutions1

    I recently was invited to attend an event hosted by my alma mater—a college that is outspokenly conservative and so generally attracts young conservatives and libertarians—in order to speak to incoming college freshmen about their transition into higher education. While sharing my experience about how my liberal arts education set me up for professional success

  • AI: What It Means for Our Democracy

    AI: What It Means for Our Democracy5

    Artificial intelligence is a buzzword these days, captivating America’s imagination but also stirring fears. At the heart of our AI fascination lies this dilemma: Is AI a force for good, is it neutral, or is it evil? And how will AI impact our democracy? First, it must be acknowledged that there are indeed substantial benefits


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