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How Parenting Got So Intense

How Parenting Got So Intense

You can’t find a better explanation of the rise of helicopter parenting and how, when and why that morphed into “intensive parenting” than this New York Times podcast from a few weeks ago, inspired by the surgeon general’s report on parental burnout.

Michael Barbaro, host of “The Daily,” interviews Claire Cain Miller, a Times reporter (and the mom of kids 12 and 8) covering family issues. Miller says intensive parenting is, in Sharon Hayes’ words, “child-centered, expert-guided, emotionally absorbing, labor-intensive and financially expensive.”

Plain old hovering is so 1999! To be intensive, Miller says, a parent walking with their kid in the fall wouldn’t just admire the pretty leaves. They’d say, “Look, the leaves are changing. Do you know what drives that?” and turn it into a lesson.

That’s a lot to ask of parents AND kids. How did we get to this point?

Miller harkens back to the ’80s, when a few high-profile abductions, coupled with the missing kids’ pictures on the milk cartons, led to “this idea that kids needed to be constantly watched and supervised.”

Gradually that mandate expanded to constantly enriching the kids, partly due to growing economic worries. If a kid didn’t get into a “good” college, they might not end up in a good job, neighborhood or life, the thinking went … and still does. At the same time, new neuroscience research purported to show that every interaction could make or break a kid’s future.

(I addressed this in my book “Free-Range Kids,” in a chapter called: “Relax! Not Every Little Thing You Do Has That Much Impact on Your Child’s Development.”)

Alas, the more parents were told that there’s no such thing as a free childhood moment — either you fill it with gold or flush it down the toilet — the more parents became anxious about getting it right. That left them open to expert advice that was both insulting and demanding, like this one “The Daily” dug up: “Talk, laugh, sing and play peekaboo often, so that children hear you speak.”

As if children would not otherwise hear their parents speak! As if parents would otherwise not talk, laugh or sing to their kids, unless an expert told them to!

The push for constant optimization has brought us to today, when parents feel overwhelmed by the idea that they must watch, help, soothe, engage and enrich their wunderkind every. Single. Second.

The antidote?

Well, here’s the BIG reason I just had to write about this podcast: Miller said, “You might have heard of the Free-Range parenting movement. It’s basically this idea that kids should still be able to run free until the streetlights come on. These are parents who are actively resisting both the helicopter parenting and the intensive parenting. The problem with Free-Range parenting is that there are no other kids out in the street after school for their kids to run free with.”

Yes! Exactly! This is why the Free-Range Parenting movement grew into the nonprofit Let Grow! Which I helm! Let Grow and I encourage schools to give kids a homework assignment: “Do something new on your own!” We call it the Let Grow Experience.

Nudged to let go, parents do, because everyone else is too — it’s homework!

Then, when they see their kids doing something new on their own in the real world — walking the dog, making dinner, playing at the park — THEY feel a surge of new confidence and pride, and so do their kids!

A collective problem like “no kids outside” requires a collective solution. For instance, a school saying, “Send your kids outside!”

When that happens and parents see how competent their kids are, the cycle of anxiety is broken.

And so is, perhaps, the grip of intensive parenting itself.


Image credit: Unsplash


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    November 12, 2024, 10:32 pm

    Folks, especially Intellectual Takeout and authoress Skenazi: Please understand that this writer has admired the IT, its content, mostly at least, and carefully reads and analyzes those articles of my interest. But this piece, "How parenting got so intense," in its obviously intended focus on the secular readers, fails, FAILS.

    Please try to tell this intellectual, orthodox, Catholic, probably from a group very interested in the IT approach, how this fundamental, human, activity, which God Himself defined at the very beginning of time, how it can be treated without referring to that phenomenon.

    Big Bang, anyone?

    We might be wrong, but we are coming to the conclusion that IT is trying too hard to extend its reach to secularists, something we would not have expected, especially considering the superiority of the Catholic intellectuality.

    Ciao, bambini. Ci noi vediamos.

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      November 13, 2024, 8:27 am

      Luis: Beware the lack of oxygen at the altitude with which you condescend.

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    November 16, 2024, 3:12 am

    JMJ If we were able to utilize our gifts from the Holy Ghost so profitably, modesty aside, we would dismiss what appears to be, or could be, a remark from someone whose poetic propensities controls. So, we beg to provide either an explanation regarding the remark of oxygen, and better yet, an apology and withdrawal from the discussion, not that we are very interested in extending it, and certainly not expecting it. Please excuse our lack of command of the English language.


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