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Lenore Skenazy
Lenore Skenazy is president of Let Grow, a contributing writer at, and author of "Has the World Gone Skenazy?"
You can’t find a better explanation of the rise of helicopter parenting and how, when and why that morphed into “intensive parenting” than this New York Times podcast from a few weeks ago, inspired by the surgeon general’s report on parental burnout. Michael Barbaro, host of “The Daily,” interviews Claire Cain Miller, a Times reporter
READ MOREThey say the road to success is made by walking. For kids, that is literally true. Turns out that the more kids walk around, the more upward mobility they enjoy as adults, concluded a study in American Psychologist. The researchers, led by Shigehiro Oishi, wondered why there are such “large regional differences in upward social
READ MOREWe no longer live in an era of foot binding, writes my Let Grow cofounder Peter Gray, a psychologist who studies the importance of mixed-age, unsupervised play. But for about a thousand years, as he notes in a recent Substack post, girls in China would have their feet broken and bound to stop them from
READ MOREA recent front-page article in The Wall Street Journal – “Surveillance Parents Face the Ultimate Firewall: Freshman Year” — described the difficulty — even agony — some parents are feeling when their kids go off to college and are harder to monitor and help from afar. I don’t blame parents for the fear and loss