“Maybe we’ll wake up and this will all be a bad dream.”
I think that’s the sentiment of many these days. Our world seemingly changed overnight and many of us just long to go back to the piddly struggle of getting up every day to drive to work.
The trouble is, it’s unlikely we’re going back, and an old interview circulating on the internet tells us why. The interview features Yuri Bezmenov, a former communist and KGB public relations man, interviewed in 1984 by G. Edward Griffin. The abridged interview in the clip below focuses on “ideological subversion,” which Bezmenov describes in the following way:
To change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow, and its divided in four basic stages.
The first of these stages is what Bezmenov calls “demoralization.” This stage is the longest and it lays the groundwork for the other three, slowly undermining the ideology of a nation through its education system.
Bezmenov notes that “most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards.” Bezmenov didn’t live long enough to hear the term “cancel culture,” where neighbors, friends, and celebrities rise up against others for expressing opinions that were acceptable only a few years ago, but which are now politically incorrect, but he seems to have understood its meaning perfectly.
This stage is also characterized by a rejection of truth, as anyone who has tried using facts and figures in a debate recently understands firsthand:
Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures.
Unfortunately, Bezmenov implies, reality will register all too late, when those who brushed facts aside are subjected to the heavy hand of a military state.
The second stage, destabilization, follows demoralization, and lasts from two to five years. Bezmenov explains that such destabilization occurs in the “economy, foreign relations, [and] defense systems” of a country. One wonders if America has been in this stage for the past few years, because the third stage sounds exactly like our current situation: crisis.
The crisis is the shortest of all, for Bezmenov believes “it may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis….” By those standards, we’ve done well, at least if you count the three months of COVID lockdown. However, if we set that aside and start counting from the time of George Floyd’s death, then we’re about halfway through this stage, which often brings “a violent change of power, structure, and economy.”
When this is over, will life get back to normal? Perhaps, at least in the sense of a new normal, often characterized by the propaganda of a “Big Brother government.” “This is what will happen in United States,” notes Bezmenov, “if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis.”
But all does not end well for those bringing the country to crisis, either.
Your leftists, in United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize the nation. When the job is completed, they’re not needed anymore. They know too much.
Bezmenov concludes with these dire words: “The time bomb is ticking with every second. The disaster is coming closer and closer. Unlike myself you will have nowhere to defect to.”
The hour is short, dear reader, and you must decide. Take it from Bezmenov, who endured such a scenario in his own life. Will you go along with the mob, or will you continue to fight for truth no matter the cost?
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Image Credit:
Alex Glidewell CC BY-SA 4.0
1 Comment
Franz Rickinger
September 25, 2023, 4:20 amHi,
1)No doubt, this has been a very interesting interview.
Your text starts with "“Maybe we’ll wake up and this will all be a bad dream.”
The thing is that this world as a whole might just be noting but a dream.
See for instance "Dschuang Dshi"'s Butterfly Dream.
Also in the early Buddhistic traditon (dhammpada) you find statements like regard the world as if it were just like the bubbles of some foam.
Furthermore, Einstein's special theory of relativity sayys that of there were a sun-system as ours at far distance having a speed near enough to the speed of light in vacuum, then there would occur that time dialation effect and if we are sleeping there and have 1 phase of dream then a hundred years will pass by on this earth. Thus, this whole world might be a ream in absolute reality.
2) Actually, Yuri Bezmenow statetd that by means of the method "deception" a country can be brought into chaos within 25 years. As a matteer of fact, he stated this and cannot have been able to know it. Even if it had been succesful in a few countries then taht wouldn't have been a proof in thesencse of science and thus he cannot have known it. In addition he hadn't been active as KGB-agent in that field for that a long period of time.
Anyway, this statement is at least not dangerous.
Yet, he then continued by stating that within about 30 years this processs towards chaos might be switched off und brought to an end by turning towards patriotism and nationalism.
If you look to the situation in the USA, then it won't be possible not to notice that "America First" was a major topic in the US-politics about 30 years after Eduard Griffon's interview on TV in 1984. (Donald Trump had started to go for becoming US president and succeeded by patroitic and nationalistic wording).
Also Brexit occured near 2014 in UK.
Now, look at Yuri Bezmenow's statement which has been like "by turning to patriotism and natiolanism the process can be turned around".
All the more, it was impossible that he really knew that in 1984. He had been taught by KGB that it "were like that".
Why had he been taught that it were like that?
Obviously, thera are two possibilities: Either it has been like that because of Truth, or because he was made to believe that and this had been like that because "deception had been their job".
Anyway, proper strategical demands for taking into account the worst case.
What to do, if one has lost one' s path in the mountains?
Go ahead, rely on some statement of some wanderer who deons't really know it himself or follow the advice of Reinhold Messner and "go back"?
Obviously, the only safe path is to go back and then to have a keen look so that you won't take the wrong path again.
There one is again at your entry statement "Mere Dream? Hopefully only a bad dream, waking up from a dream?".
Shankara has repeatedly mentioned that example "snake or rope?". How to solve the problem? Have keen look to it, use one's mind, one's ability of reasoning, etc.
As a matter of quoting, this "snake or rope" or similar examples, can be found in an old English translation of Gaudapada's famous Karika, too." which is contained in "60 Upanishad's of the Veda" by Prof. Dr. Paul Deussen (he has died in 1919). You can read that on Internet via "www.archive.org". Further examples in regrd of "Mâyâ" (illusion) can be found in "60 Upanishad's of the Veda".
In result, it's very important not to mix up "truth" and "statement". A statement might be done as a part of "deception as someone's job". Real Truth will never turn out to have been nothing but "deception".
Remark: I have got to know about Yuri Bezmenow's words form "Beatles Bible". There was a comment which mentioned Yuri Bezmenow. And this comment has been because the Beatles had been with that "Maharishi Mahesh Yogi" for shorther or longer. Actually, Yuri Bezmenow has mentioned that "Mahahrishi Mahesh Yogi".
If one looks rationally to the history of that Mr. Mahesh's one will see that "his" "TM movement" has changed gradually but steadily form something well accepted (cheritable organization) to something about which courts have said" It's highly dangerous".
The TM-movement shows exactly this not having distinguished between "truth" and "statement", between "verifyable by the indviduals" and "blind faith".
First the teaching had been: "by means of that TM-meditation you can gain deep rest, deep relaxation, pure consciousnes beyond waking, dreaming and sleeping and this can easily be verified right away from having learnt it" (and it hadn't been expensive). Yet since about 1975 that Mr. Mahesh had been talking about a crtain 1%-effect (if one 1% of a town pratice TM morning and evening for aboutgthose 15 to 20 minutes, then crime rate will go down". Mr. Mahesh relied on some statisticsdone by someone. Now, this statement can never be verified by a pratice of that TM-meditation, because that method of meditation uses mantras a words without meaning, it's taught that it is no method of contemplation and thus the conent of thoughts is of no importance in the context of TM at all.
As you see one has exactly the same situation as in the case of Yui Bezmenow.
Something is said first and it Yuri Bezmenow might had been in a position to verify it, to really know it (as a matter of fact, he has defeated a lot of people during his times as KGB agent and he knew the results of his activities as in case of Mr. Mahesh). Later the same Yuri Bezemenow merely stated things but didn't distinguish (by means of his wording= between "knowing" and "believing certain statements of those who had trained him", some years ago.). You see what has been the result of "Decption" by Yuri Bezmenow's those-day Job in the case of Mr. Mahesh?
I wish you all good.
By the way, there are many beautiful examples fitting to "sanke or robe" in the field of body painting, for instance Daniele. In respet to "one or many" there are artful examples done by Johannes Stoetter and some models ( I don't want to hurt any of your feelings; in fact, there are a lot of naked girls behind those examples…So don't look it up if you don't want) (an artist has mentioned these artists like Daniele, Johannes and others in the context of our email-conversation about Indian Philosophy, Mathematics, Politics, etc; unfortunately this artist has died already.)
Please excuse my mistakes in English language and typewriting (Ok, I've passed Cambridige"C1 certificate).