This last year has seen a number of university professors speak out and tell their students that it’s time to grow up.

Likely spurred on by increasing student demands for sensitivity and security, these professors have stepped up and pointed out that real life is a lot harder and more uncomfortable than college. Students who are too sensitive to deal with difficulty in college are in for a rude awakening post-graduation.

But it seems professors aren’t the only ones becoming aware of the problems ultra-sensitivity could eventually bring to students. Students themselves are beginning to see it as well, as evidenced by a recent article written in The Telegraph by University of Exeter student Georgia Roberts. Roberts writes:

“It isn’t that young people are wrong to aspire towards a more progressive society. It is when progressiveness goes as far as to become regressive, as is the case when views perceived to clash with the liberal framework are banned from campuses in a perversion of the meaning of ‘tolerance’.

On beginning our careers, we will not be able to no-platform our managers whose views we don’t agree with; au contraire, we will be the ones findings ourselves no-platformed when we’re sacked for unreasonable behaviour.

There will be no safe spaces for us to retreat to when the stress of the working day gets too much; get on with it, or get out.

Many students and millennials have draped themselves in the cosy blanket of hard-left social justice ideology. Social media also provides us with a dangerous echo chamber for identical opinions.

Should we really be that surprised when students claimed they were ‘too depressed’ by Brexit to do exams? The existence of opinions contrary to that of the student bubble literally come as emotional earthquakes.

It’s high time ‘generation snowflake’ emerged from this regressive darkness. The sun will be blinding, but our strength of character and ability to simply get on in life will be all the better for it.”

Is Ms. Roberts right? Do today’s college campuses shelter students from the real world instead of preparing them to face it head on?

Image Credit: Francisco Osorio (cropped)