For a while now the dating site has been causing controversy. It’s silly really.
If you’re seeking a life-partner, you’re going to want to start with some commonalities. Which commonalities are important to a person are of personal opinion. Attractiveness and personality naturally rank high among qualities, but once you move beyond those things beliefs about religion, language, politics, money, child-rearing, food, culture, etc. become increasingly important.
Not surprisingly, there are a whole host of dating sites that play to things people believe are one of the most important commonalities. Here are some of the existing sites that are out there:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, etc.
Besides dating, do you know what is common to all of those sites? Exclusivity, intolerance, and discrimination. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
A person isn’t choosing the whole world as a life-partner or spouse. A person is excluding all of the available choices for one other person (Or a couple of them, if that’s his or her thing.). The very nature of love is to be exclusive, intolerant, and discriminatory.
Up until recently, no one has batted an eyelash that such diverse dating sites exist. But then Sam and Jodie Russell created Now, all hell has broken loose with cries of racism and intolerance.
What’s humorous about the cries, though, is the sneaky recognition that they are hypocritical. Consider this bit from ABC News:
“Niche dating websites, such as, and, are helping users weed out their dating pools, but there is a new site that has many questioning how far preference can go until they are considered offensive.
Sam and Jodie Russell are the masterminds behind the two-month-old dating website, They launched their business with a giant billboard in their hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah — a region where the population is more than 90 percent white.
‘We are not racist at all, without question,’ Sam Russell said. ‘Our lifestyle shows it. The things we do. The people we associate with. The way we conduct ourselves each and every day proves it.’
The billboard caused such offense that the city made them take it down. Sam Russell said they knew their site was controversial and they expected backlash from it. In fact, they are hoping to turn that public outrage into profit.
The site has been the butt of many jokes from the late night talk show hosts but it also encapsulated the controversy surrounding race and online dating. But Russell said users on their site are not required to check a white racial preference nor are they kicked off for not being white, even though the name would suggest otherwise.”
If you read between the lines, you can sense the intellectual squirming necessary to justify a site like while not so subtly warning about the dangers of whites doing the exact same thing.
Any intellectually honest reader must ask, why is it that everyone can have a niche dating website except white people? Why is it only a website for white people is somehow offensive and racist? Does that not go against the idea of tolerance?
Indeed, the cultural reaction is fascinating. It also will likely have the unintended consequence of driving whites together. Any group that perceives itself to be treated differently will face a fight or flight reaction. Whites, arguably, have been in flight mode for a while as they work through their guilt for the racism and segregation of the past. But now we have new generations of whites who had no part in any of the wrongs of the past. They are not going to feel the need to flee and do penance as strongly as their ancestors. If they feel threatened enough, rightly or wrongly, they may very well start to unite on racial lines.
The great challenge for the current culture is to logically argue why everyone else may unite on racial lines except whites without appearing to discriminate against whites or to be intolerant of whites.
As the nation becomes more racially diverse, expect things to continue to change, for unexpected developments to occur, and for the cultural elite to react negatively. We’re in for a wild ride.
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