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    • Quality Education is Not Rocket Science

      Quality Education is Not Rocket Science0

      • March 19, 2014

      Every week it seems I receive three or four letters from people who are establishing new schools or reforming old ones. These letters are most encouraging, and all of the writers, without exception, are dedicated to restoring what is called a “classical” education. Sometimes that implies the study of the true classics, the literature of ancient

    • The End of Education

      The End of Education0

      “The one thing that is never taught by any chance in the atmosphere of public schools,” wrote G. K. Chesterton, “is…that there is a whole truth of things, and that in knowing it and speaking it we are happy.”[1] Such words would be greeted with calculated coldness by the architects of the common core curriculum, who

    • Apprenticeship: Wave of the Future?

      Apprenticeship: Wave of the Future?0

      • January 24, 2014

      With declining academics, a tight job market, and continued outsourcing, America is increasingly looking at other countries to see how to get ahead in the world. According to the Wall Street Journal, however, it seems that Americans are ignoring an education method that’s increasingly popular in other nations: apprenticeship. “American businesses typically want someone else …

    • The Fall of the Republic

      The Fall of the Republic0

      • January 17, 2014

      For nearly five centuries, Res Publica Romana—the Roman Republic—bestowed upon the world a previously unseen degree of respect for individual rights and the rule of law. When the republic expired, the world would not see those wondrous achievements again on a comparable scale for a thousand years. In print and from the podium, I have addressed

    • Do We Overemphasize Politics?

      Do We Overemphasize Politics?0

      • December 27, 2013

      “If we just get the right guy elected, if we just get the right legislation passed, then things will be better.” We at Intellectual Takeout hear this reasoning a lot. We hear it from both liberals and conservatives. The assumption behind it is that politics and legislation effects real change in society, and that they

    • Lip Service to Diversity

      Lip Service to Diversity0

      • October 3, 2012

      “Celebrate diversity.” Chances are you probably heard this or a similar phrase during your life as a student. Many public school mission and vision statements around the country contain a version of this phrase. If they don’t, it’s almost guaranteed that you heard it in the classroom at some point. But, does the American public


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