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  • It’s All About the Baby

    It’s All About the Baby1

    I have a confession to make: We barely decorated for Christmas this year. The extent of our festive furnishings is a humble 15-inch plastic tree in the middle of our kitchen table. How did it come to this? Let me start by saying I love Christmas, and I generally approach the season with an all-in

  • The Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christmas

    The Myth of the Pagan Origins of Christmas5

    It’s generally accepted that early Christians adopted December 25th as the day of Christ’s birth to co-opt the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. Some believe this fact undermines Christianity. But according to Professor William Tighe, this “fact” may actually be a myth. Based on his extensive research, Tighe argues that the December 25th date “arose entirely

  • Why I Gave Up Latin, and How It Changed My Life

    Why I Gave Up Latin, and How It Changed My Life9

    In the homeschool arena where I grew up, knowledge of Latin was considered the hallmark of a well-educated child. As a mother who now is immersed in homeschool and private school social circles, I hear Latin’s praises sung on a regular basis, especially, and understandably, in those families and groups with classical approaches to learning.

  • Friday Comic: All Is Calm, All Is Bright0

    Credit: OwenComics (store) X: @owenbroadcast Instagram: @owenbroadcast Save this article to favorites

  • Why You Should Talk to People You Disagree With About Politics

    Why You Should Talk to People You Disagree With About Politics4

    If you talked to friends or family about politics over Thanksgiving, you might not have changed each other’s minds. But don’t be discouraged – and consider talking with them again as the holiday season continues. As a scholar of political dialogue, for the past decade I have been studying conversations between people who disagree about politics. What

  • The Antidote to Election Grief? Patriotism.

    The Antidote to Election Grief? Patriotism.0

    As we ride the wave of the tumultuous 2024 presidential election into the next four years, millions of Americans are left wondering: What happens now? Political tensions and the never-ending doomsaying news cycle seem to surround us on all sides. Regardless of which candidate’s bubble you filled in on your ballot, the uncertainty and polarization


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