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  • The Importance of Male Mentorship (and How to Find It)

    The Importance of Male Mentorship (and How to Find It)2

    My favorite comedic and outdoor author, Patrick McManus, said this in his book, A Fine and Pleasant Misery: “Every kid should have an old man. … Fathers are alright … but they spend entirely too much time … at work.” While written for humor, the wisdom of this idea has the potential to answer a

  • The Hidden Risk of Letting AI Decide – Losing the Skills to Choose for Ourselves

    The Hidden Risk of Letting AI Decide – Losing the Skills to Choose for Ourselves1

    As artificial intelligence creeps further into people’s daily lives, so do worries about it. At the most alarmist are concerns about AI going rogue and terminating its human masters. But behind the calls for a pause on the development of AI is a suite of more tangible social ills. Among them are the risks AI

  • Did COVID-19 Usher in a Global Government?

    Did COVID-19 Usher in a Global Government?0

    In 2020, a dangerous pathogen swept the globe. The pandemic required government action, we were told, but the government of one nation was not enough. Even powerful governments (like that of the United States) worked with other governments to keep pandemic measures from being futile. In order to avoid a fatal lack of coordination, some

  • Friday Comic: Modern Day Mumbler1

    Credit: OwenComics (store) Twitter: @owenbroadcast Instagram: @owenbroadcast Save this article to favorites

  • Making a Culture of Creation, Not Consumption

    Making a Culture of Creation, Not Consumption0

    Throughout history, humankind has excelled in being creative. I’d argue that we still do! Unfortunately, in our modern times, this natural creativity is being pushed aside in favor of our need to consume. This need is just as instinctual, of course; how could we survive if we didn’t consume water, food, sleep, or shelter? We

  • Treading Wisely in Semantic Quicksand

    Treading Wisely in Semantic Quicksand0

    Be careful little mouth what you say. While this pithy little line originally formed part of a children’s song, it strikes me as increasingly wise counsel for adults navigating a dictionary full of fast-changing meanings. To be sure, the meaning of words has always been changing. Awful no longer means something deserving of awe or


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