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January 6: An Insurrection by a Government Against Its People

January 6: An Insurrection by a Government Against Its People

On January 6, 2021, I attended the Save America March in Washington, D.C. On January 7, Intellectual Takeout published my account of that rally.

A friend had obtained VIP tickets for our little band of adults and children, giving us seats about 20 yards from the speaker’s platform. As I mention in the article, the crowd seemed more in a party mood than an angry mob. Though we left immediately after the speakers had finished and though we didn’t go anywhere near the Capitol, I also raised some questions about how the media was already reporting the “insurrection” taking place there.

The last three years have confirmed the fact that an insurrection against the American republic was indeed launched that day. That revolution, however, came not from the protestors who strolled like tourists through the Capitol.

No, the insurrection that began on January 6 was initiated by our federal government.

Since January 6, 2021, we’ve seen court after court refuse to examine evidence accusing various states of fraudulent vote counts. We’ve seen more than 1,100 people arrested for being in the Capitol building that day or for simply attending the rally, with one arrest occurring in Florida as recently as December 18. We’ve seen the ex-president indicted for questionable-at-best reasons, a terrible precedent for the future of our politics. And most recently, we’ve seen a Colorado and Maine attempt to disqualify Donald Trump from the primary ballot this spring because he led an “insurrection.”

The lies have flown thick and fast about Trump’s role in the riot at the Capitol. Chief among these deceptions is that he instigated the chaos that ensued, yet, as I said in my previous article, I heard his speech firsthand and felt no urge to rush off to Capitol Hill, more than a mile away. Instead, my friends, relatives, and I all headed back to the van.

So, some points about this “insurrection” and its aftermath.

The tens of thousands of people who gathered on that cold day were protesting possible fraud in the recent election. So, was that election stolen, as those who gathered in D.C. claimed? Based on evidence I have read, I will believe so to my dying day. You may agree or disagree, but in America, we are supposed to be able to do so, and we are supposed to be able to peacefully protest with those opinions.

Did Donald Trump call for an insurrection on January 6? Absolutely not. In fact, the riot at the Capitol began before his speech had ended.

Have the elite powers in Washington, D. C.—Democrats and some Republicans, members of our intelligence agencies, and the Department of Justice—waged war with everything but bullets and bayonets against Trump and his millions of supporters since that day in January? Definitely.

Have these people weaponized the legal system against Donald Trump and some of his supporters? Again, yes. From the un-American incarceration of January 6 participants to the many legal battles imposed on Trump & Co., the unending attacks have no precedent in U.S. history.

Have they waged a war of propaganda against MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters? Another affirmative. On September 1, 2022, two months before that year’s elections, Joe Biden proclaimed such people, who constitute a large portion of the population, threats to democracy. Since then, and especially in the last few months, we’ve heard repeatedly that Donald Trump is the next Adolph Hitler. What can such attacks hope to accomplish aside further division?

The reasons behind these egregious acts, and more, are now clear. The D.C. powers and the media fear anything that disrupts their status quo, and they’re determined to cling to their power.

But the damage they have done goes far beyond these intentions.

Whatever political party they claim as their own, many Americans are looking at these assaults by our government and our courts as daggers aimed at the heart of our country rather than the ruination of a man. The lack of trust in the federal government, the press, and the courts is at or near all-time lows. Whatever your opinions of Trump, the harm these institutions have inflicted on themselves in their pursuit of Trump they have also inflicted on all of us, wounds and disgrace that will last for decades.

In addition, the words and deeds of these people have manufactured distrust among the American people. Declare Donald Trump an American version of Hitler, and by extension you have labeled as Nazis those millions who wish to restore his presidency. These tactics of smears and deceptions have killed civil discourse and turned neighbor against neighbor.

“I have seen corruption boil and bubble / Till it o’er-run the stew,” wrote Shakespeare in Measure for Measure.

In the last three years, this confection of bubbling corruption and chicanery has besmirched all that it has touched. The way forward? Call out the lies and speak the truth.

Image credit: Pexels

Jeff Minick
Jeff Minick

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  • Avatar
    January 5, 2024, 2:07 pm

    Well, Jeff, it's you're guy who openly claims he's running for revenge, retribution, and to avoid the consequences of his own criminal acts. It's people like you who've changed. You've decided you don't care about the Constitution or laws if it can give you a durable advantage against people and policies you don't like.

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      Jeffrey M Minick@SkippingDog
      January 6, 2024, 6:01 am

      Dear Skipping Dog,

      I think you've missed much of what I intended in my article. Next time around, I will try to express myself more clearly.

      All my best to you,
      Jeff Minick

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      January 6, 2024, 1:25 pm

      Well, Skippy, did you even READ what Jeff wrote, or didjya just write what your handlers told you to write?

      I have read extensively and in great detail many eyewitness accounts of the events Jeff describes.

      I have also been a student of the Constitution and the time in which it was crafted. In fact I teach that period of history.

      You accuse Jeff of ignoring the Cinstitution. You have it backwards. Our FedGov are the ones trashing said foundation. HOW IS It that dozens, hundreds, even, are in prison now three years, no trial (ever hear of a "speedy trial"? these guys should have gotten one and have not. How about legal representation? Nope, not that either. I have also seen tonnes of credible evidence of FedGov instigating and planning this event, embedding themselves, on OUR payroll, into the organisations they accuse of treasonous insurrection. Seems FBI have some solid representation within the organisations accused of fomenting this faux revolution.
      Either you are one of the most ignorant posters ever seen here, or you are a stooge,plant, rabble rouser on the government payroll. But you are outed now. Go hide under a big rock somewhere.

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      January 6, 2024, 1:28 pm

      Also there is a recording if Trump's speech that day, and I have listened to it. Jeff's account is accurate. What "evidence" can YOU produce to back up your false claims?

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      January 7, 2024, 4:09 pm

      Gee, mind citing anti-Constitutional actions and Laws broken SkippingDog?

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    Gil Bailie
    January 5, 2024, 3:43 pm

    Thanks. Keep up the great work!

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    January 5, 2024, 3:44 pm

    Thank you for writing and printing the truth. Trump wanted no violence & National Guard. I have seen the video NP's daughter made. They sometimes admit their lies. You are Right. No trust in Govt/All 3 letter Govt agencies need to be dissolved

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    Christine Sunderland
    January 5, 2024, 5:28 pm

    Thank you, Jeff Minick, for this concise and correct take on what is happening and what happened and where we are today. Excellent article!

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    January 5, 2024, 6:51 pm

    Thanks Jeff! Your article clarifies the urgent need to exhaustively unwrap the “January-6 matter” in public view. The facts do not seem to comport with the media depiction; and law enforcement’s response seems to more closely resemble that of a junta than that of a constitutional republic.
    The United States is suffering, and the public unravelling of this matter could provide an opportunity for consesus on what has to this point been polarized political theater.


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