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D.C. Plans to Ban 40 Percent of Black Teens From School

D.C. Plans to Ban 40 Percent of Black Teens From School

During a Monday press conference, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser seemingly claimed her department’s own numbers surrounding the amount of black school aged children vaccinated against COVID-19 were inaccurate. Unvaccinated school children will be banned from attending Washington, D.C. public schools later this month.

In response to a question from The Daily Signal about how 40 percent of black school aged children were unvaccinated, Bowser responded, “I don’t think that that number is correct. We have a substantially few fewer number of kids that we have to engage with vaccination.”

While Bowser claimed the number provided by The Daily Signal is incorrect, the statistic came from the District of Columbia’s own vaccination data website.

The data shows that around 60 percent of black kids aged 12-17 have received a complete COVID-19 vaccine regimen, meaning 40 percent are unvaccinated or have not received a second shot if necessary. The numbers flip for blacks aged 18-24, as the D.C. data shows 60 percent of adults in that age bracket are unvaccinated or have not received their second shot if necessary.

Per D.C.’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education website, “Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, the COVID-19 vaccine is required for school enrollment and attendance in the District of Columbia for all students who are of an age for which there is a COVID-19 vaccination fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

As of right now, that means D.C. students aged 12 and up will have to be vaccinated or they will be unable to attend school in person.

The vaccine requirement makes D.C. an outlier in the nation, as many of the larger school districts recommend but do not require a COVID-19 vaccine in order to attend school in person.

The Daily Signal then asked the mayor about whether or not it was appropriate to respond to kids who aren’t vaccinated by forcing them to attend school virtually.

“You’ve never heard me say that,” Bowser said.

Bowser and the D.C. city government have clashed over whether or not to return kids to classrooms amid lingering COVID-19 concerns. While Bowser has gone on record stating she would prefer kids to be in school, the 13-member D.C. Council has pushed for more exceptions to allow for remote learning.

The Daily Signal reached out to Bowser’s office for comment on the numbers and to clarify her position on remote learning, but did not receive an immediate response.

This article is republished with permission from The Daily Signal.

Image Credit: Flickr-Elvert Barnes, CC BY-SA 2.0


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    August 16, 2022, 6:08 pm

    Better no education than a poison vaccination.

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    Dan R
    August 16, 2022, 11:49 pm

    No big deal, they will find a gang to hang out with. Maybe do a little carjacking. When will these bozo politicians learn?

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      darrel evan blount@Dan R
      August 26, 2022, 2:33 pm

      Dan R is correct, you thought you had uneducated children before, there will be a step up in gang culture and where the pregnancy rate went down, it’s gonna go up…DC is doing all it can to WHITE WASH this STATE…Families will move out or get PRICED out. And Chocolate City becomes Vanilla Ice…Great Democrats

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    August 16, 2022, 11:50 pm

    quote: "vaccine is required for school enrollment and attendance in the District of Columbia for all students who are of an age for which there is a COVID-19 vaccination fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”"
    SUMBUDDY better twll this Bowner critter that there IS NO VACCINE FULLY APPROVED for anyone. Don’t forget, the ones being so madly poked into people’s arms is ONLY under an Emergency Use Authorisation" status, which is NOT "fully approved by the FDA".

    Wise parents should be sending their kids to the DC schools, if that’s what they want to do, and when proof of the injections is demanded, simply demand in return for them to show you the "fully autnorised" status of ANY COVID 119 injection for anyone. They cannot, because there IS none. Thus Bowser cannot prevent ANY student from attending in person, cause there IS no "fully approved" "vaccine" for COVID 19 for any age group. EUA only. And NO ONE can FORCE anyone, or even pressure cajole, trick, threaten, bully, ostracise, cancel, anyone else for refusing to take the EUA shots.
    Tell Bowser to pound sand. She’s a rabid control freak that needs taken down a few dozen pegs.


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