We’ve all heard the expression “According to research…” followed by some scientific finding that we are expected, given this prefatory expression, to accept without question.
But as it turns out, even in a field as supposedly objective as biomedicine, reliability and validity are sorely wanting.
In a recent Wall Street Journal article, science writer Richard Harris bemoans the state of biomedical research:
“The issue isn’t just wasted time and money. Many observers now think that biomedical research world-wide has been so compromised that it is slowing and diverting the search for new treatments and cures.”
Small sample sizes and bias in research design result in findings that overstate their conclusions. “[M]ost published research findings,” Harris quotes a Stanford researcher as saying, “are false.”
The problem becomes evident if you consider what happens when other scientists try to replicate the findings of published studies. Replication is considered the gold standard in research. If a follow-up study doesn’t yield the same results as the initial study, the initial study’s findings cannot be relied upon.
A University of Bordeaux paper found that only half of 156 biomedical studies referred to in English-language newspapers could be replicated. A 2011 study by researchers at Bayer could replicate only 25 percent of sampled drug research. And G. Glenn Begley, chief cancer researcher at Amgen, could reproduce only six out of 53 studies he investigated.
Harris attributes the problem to several factors: contaminated research materials, bad research design (particularly inadequate sampling), poor training, and the incentives to produce sensational results.
Scientists in Cambridge, Massachusetts, studying research on Lou Gehrig’s disease, “found serious defects in almost all of the underlying research. The studies often used fewer than a dozen mice per experiment and didn’t take care to avoid significant sources of bias, such as genetic variability in the animals.”
Harris also refers to an NIH researcher who wanted to replicate the best methodology classes: “He put out a call to universities asking for suggestions but found essentially nothing.”
And the incentives?
“Scientists hoping to land good jobs or university tenure also need to have their studies published in one of a handful of top journals. No paper in the prestigious journal Nature? No job interview. That provides further incentive to pretty up one’s work by leaving out inconvenient findings, enhancing images or even avoiding experiments that could undercut a surprising conclusion.”
It’s something to think about the next time someone tells you what “research” has found.
Steve Pew
April 13, 2022, 10:27 pmI am a retired University professor. I stay engaged as a reviewer for several journals. I review papers submitted for publication in various journals. I evaluate them for proper assumptions, clear references, application of the scientific method, and proper analysis/statistics applied to support the conclusions. I return 4 out of 5 papers for unfounded assumptions, poor/old research, unacceptable study design, improper analysis, and conclusions. The quality of scientific work is atrocious. Are all studies fake? Some are. Most are just the result of scientific incompetence.Yet I am sad to admit many of these "junk science" papers do make it to press. Your article is appropriate and "science" has a bruised eye due to poor quality control.
REPLYWarren Grant
September 11, 2024, 8:35 pmNot being of the scientific community or a person with a college degree, at the age of 82+ I think I have been around enough to know when it's going to hit the fan. The above article is spot on. So when is going to hit the fan, never, why? Not enough people care anymore. The change that young people have shown is they only care about something that they can get excited about. Setting police cars on fire, okay.
REPLYBut this doesn't excite them. Even though I find the article of great importance, I don't know why it hasn't been picked up by other media for the world to see. I'm not amazed, but hurt by what I suspected all along. Sometimes when I see a message that says, "big pharma is trying to stop something," I believe.