Last week, Campus Reform shared the story of Kevin Allred, an adjunct professor at Rutgers University who was asked to undergo a psychological evaluation after he raised the prospect of shooting white people to make a point on gun control.
“Will the Second Amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting at random white people or no?” he reportedly tweeted.
Allred had his Twitter account suspended, Campus reform reported, and was escorted to a nearby police station to undergo psychological evaluation. He was released on his own recognizance.
Most people would take such an experience as a sign that perhaps he should get off social media for a while. Allred is not most people.
After blaming his suspension on “Trump’s crackdown on free speech,” Allred on Sunday began calling out Rutgers University and the person he believed was responsible for the humiliation he suffered.
Allred identified Nikol Alexander-Floyd, an associate professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, as the person who allegedly has a vendetta against him. In a move right out of Donald Trump’s playbook, he even posted her university email address to his 7,300 followers.
As a point of reference, Allred apparently has a book coming out on Beyonce soon. Beyond that, I’m not sure what any of this means, except that I’m not sending my children to Rutgers.
[Editor’s Note: It appears Allred deleted the tweets about Nikol Alexander-Floyd. We’ve provided a screen shot below.]
Jon Miltimore is senior editor of Intellectual Takeout. Follow him on Facebook.
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