You know the PC culture has gone too far when schoolchildren are prohibited from being good or doing good to others. Unfortunately, recent news has offered two prime examples of such behavior.
The first incident occurred when a Minnesota high school girls’ basketball team was banned from playing in their league’s tournament. Their crime? They were too good:
“The Rogers Area Youth Basketball Association girls high school team was forced to the sidelines by the Northwest Suburban Basketball League — and it’s all because the team is 3-0, Fox 9 reported Saturday.
‘We found out Friday at lunchtime that we’re not going to be allowed because according to the league our girls were too talented,’ coach Jason Hanauska told the station.
RAYBA sent parents a letter that said the main reason for the league’s decision was because other teams in the league ‘do not want to play RAYBA due to the skill level.’”
The second incident occurred when a Texas middle-school student saved a fellow classmate from an asthma attack:
“Anthony Ruelas watched for what seemed like an eternity as his classmate wheezed and gagged in a desperate struggle to breathe.
The girl told classmates that she was having an asthma attack, but her teacher refused to let anyone leave the classroom, according to NBC affiliate KCEN. Instead, the teacher emailed the school nurse and waited for a reply, telling students to stay calm and remain in their seats.
When the girl fell out of her chair several minutes later, Ruelas decided he couldn’t take it anymore and took action.
‘We ain’t got time to wait for no email from the nurse,’ a teacher’s report quotes him as saying, according to Fox News Latino.
And with that, the 15-year-old Gateway Middle School student carried his stricken classmate to the nurse’s office, violating his teacher’s orders.”
The school kindly returned Anthony’s potentially life-saving act by suspending him for two days.
Incidents like these are infuriating, particularly since they clearly violate common sense. But how can we expect common sense to survive when for years we’ve told students that everyone’s a winner, and proven it by passing out limitless participation trophies for little effort or no achievement? How can we expect common sense to survive when every move in a school must follow bureaucratic procedure?
Once upon a time, a young teacher named Laura Ingalls worried that allowing her students to stand by the stove for warmth would get her in trouble with school authorities for a failure to maintain order and discipline in her classroom. Instead, her supervisor affirmed her decision, recognizing that sometimes rules must be bent according to the dictates of common sense. Would that today’s school officials recognize and embrace similar wisdom.
Image Credit: Fox News
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