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Shareable Snack: Why Do Academics Hate Conservatives? Sir Roger Scruton Answers

Shareable Snack: Why Do Academics Hate Conservatives? Sir Roger Scruton Answers

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Why do academics seem to hate conservatives and traditional values? Watch our video to hear Sir Roger Scruton’s answer!


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    Richard Nelson
    June 11, 2024, 3:59 pm

    I have always thought journalists likewise try to remove themselves from society, remaining somewhat above it all. In the end, they often become arrogant 'know-it-alls'. Just ask them.

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      Jackson Pemberton@Richard Nelson
      June 11, 2024, 4:35 pm

      Yes, it is raw pride. A pride that is so powerful they can go on in pursuit of sophistry so far as to not recognize that when they use the gender terms "male" and "female" to define other "genders" they necessarily create nice, compact oxymorons.

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    Scott Yamauchi
    June 14, 2024, 8:30 pm

    Self-proclaimed intellectuals hate conversation. A conversation is where two people learn from each other and even argue. But intellectuals are afraid of being wrong, which is why they become so hostile when they are confronted by different ideas or even with facts. The need to be right goes so far as to redefine the difference between right and wrong. Intellectuals must have the high moral ground. Otherwise they cannot be validated in their own eyes and within their tiny circles.

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    June 24, 2024, 12:24 pm

    People that produce "nothing" except verbal output, have a combination of envy, jealousy, and hatred, from people that actually produce something that is necessary or valuable.

    To justify their existence, they pool together in either politics or academia, and make sure that they form a united front explaining to the ignorant masses that their "theories" are the way for a better society.

    The truth was uttered by Yogi Berra;
    " In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice–in practice there is"

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    Jake Brodsky
    June 30, 2024, 12:29 pm

    While it is informed conjecture, it is still conjecture. I would like to think Sir Roger Scruton has justification for thinking that the other side thinks this way. However, when discussing a subject such as the Humanities, a conservative would have to apply classic reasoning and rhetoric.

    Maybe it was applied, and cut out of the video. But I'm left gasping for more background.

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    July 8, 2024, 12:30 pm

    Journalism died when it ceased being a "blue-collar" job. Once the elite college started churning out journalist this equalized them with the very people they were reporting on. They are classmates, alumni, all from wealthy families graduating together from the most prestigious college. Hopefully, the Internet is thwarting this cozy relationship now, but the masses need to know to avoid MSM if they want the truth and not a narrative of the elite.


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