As a registered nurse, Karen Driscoll waited a while before getting the COVID-19 v*ccine because she wasn’t sure it was safe. But those close to her urged her to get it, and her employer said they thought the v*ccine would eventually be mandated, so she got the mRNA v*ccine in early August 2021.
After the first shot, Karen, age 63, had a sore arm and no adverse reactions. But three weeks after getting her second jab in late August 2021, she developed a low-grade fever and a headache that went on for five months, unrelieved by medication.
Shortly after the fever began, a constant buzzing in her head started that continues to this day.
Additionally, whenever Karen stood up, her heartrate would rapidly accelerate, a symptom of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). As a result, she would try to do some simple tasks like light cooking or dishwashing while sitting in a chair, and at times, the POTS became so debilitating she would crawl to get to the bathroom.
Karen also suffered from internal chest tremors and adrenaline surges that left her in a constant state of fight or flight leading to severe insomnia. And at night, her feet felt like they were burning.
Other symptoms piled on, including severe brain fog, numbness in Karen’s face and scalp, visual problems, arrhythmia, diarrhea, hair loss, and numbness and tingling in her extremities. Karen was unable to handle stimulation, and she couldn’t drive.
With all these symptoms, Karen was essentially homebound for five months, only leaving for appointments that her husband drove her to.
In the meantime, she was unable to work and went on disability. After six months of short-term disability, her company could no longer hold her job, and they let her go. With no other options, she has now retired.
At the moment, Karen’s symptoms have improved, but she continues to have chronic fatigue, memory issues, poor endurance, and the relentless buzzing within her head. Lab results have indicated she has clotting and blood vessel abnormalities.
“I am able to sleep now. I sleep a lot—10 hours at night plus naps—but I don’t feel rested,” she said.
Karen used to work out, lift weights, and walk a couple miles each day. Her favorite summer sport was water skiing, but she couldn’t do that this past summer due to the adverse reactions.
Off the record, two of her doctors have said her symptoms were caused by the v*ccine. But they told her there is nothing they can do for her. Fortunately, she has found help with some brave doctors and homeopathic physicians.
“I eventually quit going to the revolving door of doctors. … I could tell I was feeling better—I am now at 70–80 percent better, but I’ve still got a ways to go,” she said. “I have balance issues, I don’t feel as steady as I used to, and I don’t have the endurance I used to have. Hanging out with my grandkids wipes me out for a few days.”
Similarly, Karen has found the government—which caused this problem of v*ccine injuries by pushing unsafe v*ccines on the public—strikingly absent from claiming any responsibility for the injuries caused by the v*ccine.
“They need to research us and help people who are losing their livelihoods,” she said. “Many European and other countries are helping people who’ve been v*ccine injured.”
Some v*ccine-injured individuals are really struggling with their bills and need help, she noted. “There should be some kind of way for the pharmaceutical industry to help these people.”
Awareness of the plight of the v*ccine injured needs to grow, Karen and other v*ccine-injured advocates keep on saying. Many people don’t want to talk about this problem, but it won’t be solved without attention. “I think that it scares a lot of people. … It’s something they can’t face,” Karen said.
Karen thinks we need to become more comfortable talking about the v*ccine injured if we want to see positive change. Doing so will inevitably dredge up many discomforting questions, such as why the government rushed to promote an unsafe v*ccine, why the pharmaceutical industry went along with the idea of developing v*ccines without enough studies to prove both their effectiveness and safety, and more.
“I was a nurse, I trusted doctors, and I trusted the government,” said Karen. “Now I don’t trust them. I believe they are corrupt and out only for themselves.”
Through these difficult times, Karen has leaned on her faith, which has in turn helped to strengthen her belief.
“At this point in my life, I have become very strong in my faith,” she said. “I’ve always considered myself Christian, and while before I was involved with the church, I didn’t have a deep relationship with God. … Now I pray all the time. I ask the Holy Spirit to tell me what He wants me to do each day, and He’s brought me closer to Him than I ever thought possible. … For this reason, I feel thankful for the suffering. I no longer have feelings of fear, but of comfort.”
Karen believes God has helped her in her recovery. “He’s got more in store for me,” she said.
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons-Agência Brasília, CC BY 2.0
1 comment
1 Comment
December 28, 2022, 7:11 pmThanks for sharing your story! Because of you and. many others momentum is building in the race to help survivors! More people are getting the message.