Let me introduce you to three women. Because of the ugly political times in which we live, I have changed their names, but these are women I know well, all of them white.
Let’s start with Katie. She and her husband, an attorney, have one natural child and have adopted six others. The children range in age from twelve to one. Katie spends her days changing diapers, feeding children, settling arguments over toys and territory, and running the older children to various schools and activities. Katie has an associate’s degree in education.
Then there’s Alice. Alice and her husband, a software salesman, have four children ages five and under. Alice has her bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s in government, and has worked on the Hill as a Congressional aide and a lobbyist. She also has a talent for real estate, with the result that she and her husband now own and rent out eleven different houses and apartment buildings.
Lisa is mother to seven children. She has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Her husband is a builder and contractor. A kind and generous woman, she once brought four small children into her busy household for six months until their mother could square away her life. Two years ago, Lisa brought her talents for organization and creativity to a fundraiser and delivered over $100,000 to her son’s school.
In addition to the color of their skin, their age—all are in their thirties—and their gender, these three women have other things in common: a religious faith, their love for their husbands and children, intelligence and wit, and managerial skills that range from juggling soccer practices and play dates to balancing the books for their household.
Oh, yes, one more commonality: All three voted for Donald Trump. All three also voted for Republicans in the subsequent mid-term elections.
These are the women—and there are millions of them—who drive certain feminists, progressives, and commentators mad dog bonkers. Google “white women voting for Donald Trump” and you’ll find scores of opinions about these females.
Many of the critics of these women, both on the Left and the Right, just don’t get it. Why would any woman vote for a man like Trump? After all, aren’t women supposed to march in lockstep to the voting booths and mark their ballots for liberal candidates of the homogametic sex? Why on earth did they decline to elect the first female president in history?
Hey, gang, it’s really pretty simple.
These women read. They think. They weigh the issues. Consequently, they want nothing to do with a political party that promotes abortion, gun control (Terry has her concealed carry permit), and open borders. They see radical feminists and their allies as anti-family—and therefore anti-woman. Because their families depend on the free enterprise system for their livelihood, they don’t want more government regulation or higher taxes with less and less return. They dislike attacks on their religious faith, the divisions of identity politics, and the smears from many about white men, which they see as assaults on their husbands and sons. In addition, I suspect, they don’t like being pigeonholed by self-proclaimed “sisters” who consider themselves their betters.
But do the very ones who condemn them for being dupes need to take a look at their own selves? Does it not seem that voting for someone on the basis of sex is as shallow as a voter can go in picking a candidate for office?
Instead of trying to understand why white women might vote in such numbers for a man instead of a woman, many simply proclaim their female opponents idiots, and loudly trumpet that idea in the media. They are unable to see that name-calling is not only immature, but counter-productive. Nor can they fathom, cocooned as they are in their ideology, why other female voters don’t see “the truth” as they see it. They never think to ask themselves why women of faith and family would ever cast their votes for candidates so opposed to faith and family.
Katie, Alice, and Lisa are strong and independent feminists. They also love their husbands, daughters, and sons, and take pride in what they do as mothers, wives, and women. For them, and for millions of others like them, no matter what their skin color, those who tout mainstream feminist candidates offer no accommodation.
Camille Paglia, a feminist who does not tolerate fools gladly, once said, “Feminism is dead. The movement is absolutely dead. The women’s movement tried to suppress dissident voices for way too long. There’s no room for dissent.”
Paglia nails it. The feminism she once supported is dead. And it is the radical feminists who have killed it.
[Image Credit: Max Pixel]
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