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  • What Is a Home?

    What Is a Home?1

    The ultimate adventure story is about the journey home. Consider, for example, Odysseus at sea, Aeneas in search of a haven for the Trojans, the Israelites in the desert. Such stories strike a note on the strings of our souls that vibrates through us like a call. A homeland beckons. In the archetypal hero’s journey,

  • The Importance of Making Mistakes

    The Importance of Making Mistakes1

    A couple of years ago, I received a post-semester email from a student’s father. He was upset about his child’s final grade in my class, which had landed somewhere between a high B and a low A. The grade was clearly not very low, but the student’s father wanted me to reconsider. Apparently, a specific

  • Why We Must Objectively Study Difficult Questions

    Why We Must Objectively Study Difficult Questions0

    With some regularity, students in my sociological theory course will ask why we should even entertain arguments about the biological reality of race. They note, correctly, that this topic is controversial. They suggest it is too morally and politically risky to pursue, given historical examples of pseudoscience that have provided fodder for egregious moral and


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