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  • A Farewell to Postmodernism

    A Farewell to Postmodernism3

    It is through wonder that men now begin and originally began to philosophize; wondering in the first place at obvious perplexities, and then by gradual progression raising questions about the greater matters too, e.g. about the changes of the moon and of the sun, about the stars and about the origin of the universe.  

  • Liberalism Is Broken and Canada Proves It

    Liberalism Is Broken and Canada Proves It1

    Liberalism is broken. This is a big kick-sand-in-my-face claim. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Canada’s embrace of euthanasia supplies that evidence. Let’s unpack this. First, what is “liberalism”? Its meaning shifts depending on whether one is speaking of economics or politics or ethics. Edmund Fawcett’s excellent Liberalism: The Life of an Idea, surveys scores of

  • How Art Breaks the Curse of the Familiar

    How Art Breaks the Curse of the Familiar5

    “Familiarity breeds contempt” runs the old adage, and contempt leads to ingratitude and unhappiness. What makes a husband impatient with his wife, whom he would never have dreamed of snapping at when they were first dating? Familiarity. What makes one’s work dull and draining? Familiarity. What makes us bored of our home, our family, our

  • Who Is Michel Foucault? The Intellectual Root of CRT and Radical Gender Ideology

    Who Is Michel Foucault? The Intellectual Root of CRT and Radical Gender Ideology7

    French philosopher and social critic Paul-Michel Foucault has long stood as an intellectual juggernaut in humanities programs all around the world. For better or worse, the contemporary understanding of critical theory—and critical race theory—as well as gender theory owes debts to Foucault’s ideas about power, knowledge, and language. Even beyond the classroom, Foucault’s ideas have

  • What’s a Luddite? An Expert on Technology and Society Explains

    What’s a Luddite? An Expert on Technology and Society Explains0

    The term “Luddite” emerged in early 1800s England. At the time there was a thriving textile industry that depended on manual knitting frames and a skilled workforce to create cloth and garments out of cotton and wool. But as the Industrial Revolution gathered momentum, steam-powered mills threatened the livelihood of thousands of artisanal textile workers.

  • Myth and Materialism

    Myth and Materialism3

    I’ll never forget reading my first chemistry textbook. The thesis of the introduction was that everything can be explained by chemistry. Everything. From the weather to plants to human thought and human behavior. I remember feeling particular disgust when the textbook claimed that what we call love is actually just the interaction and activation of


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