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Author's Posts

  • Why Rome’s Republic Fell With Cicero

    Why Rome’s Republic Fell With Cicero0

    “With Cicero fell the republic.”—Russell Kirk As one of my grand Hillsdale colleagues, Dr. Stephen Smith, once said to me, there has never been a serious reform or renaissance in Western Civilization since the fall of the Roman Republic without the inspiration of Cicero (even if in mythic form) guiding it. If my colleague was

  • When the West Lost the Battle of Ideas

    When the West Lost the Battle of Ideas0

    The dismantling of the idea of the West began when medieval philosophers began re-introducing the Sophist notions reduced to ashes by Socrates. This reintroduction came about as a reaction to extreme scholasticism in the Middle Ages. It was a fascinating thought experiment known as nominalism, but it unwittingly wrought massive damage upon the very ways

  • The Moral Imagination of Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’

    The Moral Imagination of Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’0

    Several nights ago, I reluctantly watched Disney’s 2017 live version of Beauty and the Beast. I must admit three things before I get into the heart of this essay. First, I’ve never been anti-Disney. I know many conservatives think Disney is the end of civilization, but I’ve never seen it that way. Like comic-book superheroes, Disney,

  • How Livy Predicted the Fall of America

    How Livy Predicted the Fall of America0

    • September 7, 2016

    Can you imagine a Roman republican, reborn, walking the streets of Philadelphia in 1776? Or how about Lexington in 1775? Or perhaps Boston in 1765? What would he think of the American fondness for Rome and her republicanism? What would the Americans think of him? I am guessing that an American republican would be much


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