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    Srdja Trifkovic

    Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor of Chronicles, is the author of The Sword of the Prophet and Defeating Jihad.

Author's Posts

  • Germany Stays ‘Woke’ After a Musical Chairs Election

    Germany Stays ‘Woke’ After a Musical Chairs Election0

    Federal elections rearranged Germany’s 709-seat Bundestag last week in what has been heralded by the mainstream press as the end of an era. In reality, the new governing coalition led by the country’s social democratic and green parities will change little in the country’s foreign and security policy. The new team will remain staunchly opposed to

  • Russia’s Latest Elections Leave Its Problems Unresolved

    Russia’s Latest Elections Leave Its Problems Unresolved0

    Legislative elections were held over three days in Russia last weekend to elect 450 deputies of the State Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly. President Vladimir Putin’s ruling United Russia party won just under 50 percent of the vote and 324 seats in an election accompanied by the customary accusations of vote rigging from

  • Understanding Jihad’s Resurgence

    Understanding Jihad’s Resurgence0

    Jihad is both an ideology and a global process. It has triumphed in Afghanistan in both forms, and its adherents everywhere will feel emboldened by what they see as a sure sign of Allah’s sanction. If a poorly armed jihadist force could endure for two decades, struggling against the mightiest infidel force the world has

  • The ABCs of Afghanistan

    The ABCs of Afghanistan0

    A is for Afghanistan. A faraway, hardcore Muslim country that remains utterly mysterious to our political, intelligence, and military elites even after two decades of intervention. Between October 2001 and August 2021 America squandered more than $2 trillion and more than 2,000 lives for no clear objective or tangible benefit. B is for the Washington Beltway. The


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