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Author's Posts

  • Neil Gorsuch Deserves Confirmation

    Neil Gorsuch Deserves Confirmation0

    Party politics, tactics and strategy have dominated everything in government and media. he is the model candidate for the Supreme Court as the next justice to fill the vacancy of Justice Antonin Scalia. His credentials are impeccable, his character and judicial temperament unassailable, his reputation among peers and law clerks sterling and remarkable. His judicial

  • When a Man in a Women’s Restroom is Finally Seen as Wrong

    When a Man in a Women’s Restroom is Finally Seen as Wrong0

    • March 22, 2017

    After opening the blog post she felt necessary to write by saying that she was reluctant to write it, as a tolerant person who would likely be labeled and derided as intolerant, ‘The Get Real Mom’ stated clearly: “This is a story about a biological man in the women’s restroom.” Innate sensibility prevailed when a startled


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