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  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective LEARNERS

    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective LEARNERS0

    When many people think they’re learning, they’re really not. That’s the conclusion reached by Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel, and Peter Brown in their recent and very popular book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. The book is the fruit of ten years of empirical research into how people actually learn, i.e., how they

  • Fasting: Good For the Body as Well as the Soul?

    Fasting: Good For the Body as Well as the Soul?2

    Liturgically-minded Christians around the world are currently observing the season of Lent. With Lent, comes fasting, a spiritual discipline practiced in varying levels of intensity by religions all over the world. But non-believers might have a good reason to jump on the fasting bandwagon, too. A number of research trials have indicated that fasting has

  • Should you retreat from the public square?

    Should you retreat from the public square?0

    For many people the state of America’s presidential campaign is an index of the corruption of our national culture. At the moment, though anything is possible given the fickleness of the electorate, the flawed personal lives and political views of the candidates, and a savage media, it seems that Donald Trump will face Hillary Clinton,

  • New Report: Teacher Evaluation Systems Still Not Removing Bad Teachers

    New Report: Teacher Evaluation Systems Still Not Removing Bad Teachers0

    It’s been said time and again that having a good teacher is the primary determiner of whether or not a child will succeed in school. Parents and school boards in the era of the one-room schoolhouse likely recognized this, and were quick to remove poor teachers from their midst. But in modern times—due in part

  • A Paper on Feminizing Glaciers?!? Academia is Broken

    A Paper on Feminizing Glaciers?!? Academia is Broken0

    Sit back and enjoy the following paragraph from the abstract of a paper published in January by the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Human Geography: “Feminist and postcolonial theories enrich and complement each other by showing how gender and colonialism are co-constituted, as well as how both women and indigenous peoples have been marginalized historically (Schnabel,

  • Why is it always Canada?

    Why is it always Canada?0

    After Trump’s most recent victories in Michigan, Mississippi, and Hawaii, taking three out of the four available states, there are renewed pledges to “never vote for trump” and then, if that fails, “to move to Canada” if he wins. Why is it always Canada? The thought came to me unoriginally after seeing the following image