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Author's Posts

  • Whatever Happened to the Boy Scouts?

    Whatever Happened to the Boy Scouts?2

    It was once an honor to earn a merit badge in the Boy Scouts. Becoming a Star Scout was a privilege, a Life Scout was something fantastic, and an Eagle Scout was the very tip of the apex. Few achieved that pinnacle, and those who did treasured it for their entire lives. But even those

  • The Truth About Gender IQ Differences

    The Truth About Gender IQ Differences19

    In all the brouhaha about diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and woke politics, the fact that there are real, observable differences between the sexes is often overlooked. This is particularly the case when it comes to the “intelligence quotient” or IQ. Everything else under the sun has been mentioned, over and over again, as an

  • The Koch Billionaires Jump Into the Critical Race Theory Debate

    The Koch Billionaires Jump Into the Critical Race Theory Debate0

    The billionaire Koch family—long a funder of conservative political causes and favorite whipping boy of the left—recently announced its opposition to government bans on teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools, a fact which does not sit well with many on the right. In light of this recent announcement, we present a continuation of a

  • To Ban or Not to Ban Critical Race Theory: A Debate

    To Ban or Not to Ban Critical Race Theory: A Debate0

    Not to Ban, by Walter E. Block: Extirpating Critical Race Theory (CRT) from schools is a hot-button issue for many politicians. While I do not take a position for or against CRT, I would like to assess the propriety of CRT being debated and taught at colleges and universities. Both proponents and opponents say that


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