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Author's Posts

  • A Principled Way of Addressing Trans Athletics

    A Principled Way of Addressing Trans Athletics0

    Swimmer Lia Thomas swept her individual races at the recent Ivy League Swimming and Diving Championships, breaking numerous records in the process. Thomas is now headed to the NCAA Championships in mid-March, albeit with much controversy, for Thomas’s recent identification transition from a man to a woman is perceived by many, teammates included, as an

  • The Problem With Defining Certain Speech and Crimes as ‘Hate’

    The Problem With Defining Certain Speech and Crimes as ‘Hate’0

    We would all like to live in a world without hate. Indeed, most of us would like to live in a life without hate. But I would like to make another, and more modest, proposal regarding “Hate-“. By this, I mean the use of the word “hate” to add extra zing to some public policy

  • Elites and Big Media Still Can’t Understand Why Trump Won

    Elites and Big Media Still Can’t Understand Why Trump Won0

    In the days following the election, the webpages of the major media showed why they were so far off the mark in assuming, and largely promoting, a Clinton victory. The early morning shock and confusion among the millionaire-media class is striking.  But almost all of the posts and articles illustrate and perpetuate many of the


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