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Author's Posts

  • Richard Thaler Wins Nobel Prize in Economics

    Richard Thaler Wins Nobel Prize in Economics0

    The University of Chicago’s Richard Thaler has been awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in economics. Thaler is a leading practitioner of behavioral economics, the application of psychology to problems of valuation, choice, exchange, and pricing. Following Mises, most Austrian economists have distinguished sharply between praxeology, the logical analysis of action, and psychology, the behavioral motivations and

  • Is Clinton’s Pay-to-Play the Natural Consequence of Big Government?

    Is Clinton’s Pay-to-Play the Natural Consequence of Big Government?0

    Hillary Clinton has been taking heat for her relationship with the Clinton Foundation. Did individuals and firms making large donations to the Foundation, or paying large speaking or consulting fees to Bill Clinton, get preferred access to Ms. Clinton as Secretary of State? Is there a revolving door between the Clinton campaign and the Foundation’s