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Author's Posts

  • What Trump Could Learn about Flattery from Reading Plutarch

    What Trump Could Learn about Flattery from Reading Plutarch0

    Nero may have fiddled while Rome burned, but it was the flattery of his courtiers that convinced the emperor he could get away with it. In his essay, “How to Tell a Flatterer from a Friend,” the late Roman historian Plutarch gestures at Nero, speculating that if the emperor had known to silence his flatterers,

  • What Deep Throat Could Teach Us About Fake News

    What Deep Throat Could Teach Us About Fake News0

    Since the election, the reading public has been tortured with the cries from both right and the left about “fake news.” And even though Google just updated its fact-checking tools, the problem doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. But let’s face it. We could have prevented this. If reporters and readers alike stopped