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Author's Posts

  • South Korea Started Shrinking in 2020

    South Korea Started Shrinking in 20200

    It is usual for the two East Asian giants, China and Japan, to hog the demographic headlines, especially those bearing bad news. China is struggling with the fallout of its self-inflicted one child policy disaster, while Japan is in a sustained demographic decline. But sandwiched between these two is a smaller nation with a similar

  • The Scale of the Chinese Lockdown

    The Scale of the Chinese Lockdown0

    The official death toll from the Covid-19/coronavirus now stands at over 2,500 people. There are over 80,000 cases worldwide. The people I’ve talked to about this epidemic fall into two camps. Those in the first camp say that this needs to be put into perspective, the number of people who die each year from the

  • ‘One Child Nation’

    ‘One Child Nation’0

    For those interested in the horrific, on-the-ground realities of a totalitarian government engaging in population control and social engineering on a massive scale, the documentary One Child Nation on Amazon Prime Video is required viewing. Both of the documentary’s directors (Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang) were born under the one-child-policy in the 1980s. After emigrating to the

  • Living Alone:  More Common and More Unhealthy?

    Living Alone: More Common and More Unhealthy?0

    “It is not good that man should be alone.” And now a new study has suggested that living alone is correlated with having a mental disorder. Louis Jacob from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines has concluded that living alone “is positively associated with common mental disorders, regardless of age or sex.” The study compared survey


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