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    Lenore Skenazy

    Lenore Skenazy is president of Let Grow, a contributing writer at Reason.com, and author of "Has the World Gone Skenazy?"

Author's Posts

  • Kids Don’t Have To Be This Anxious

    Kids Don’t Have To Be This Anxious1

    What if one of the big reasons kids are so anxious is simply this: They’re micromanaged by adults? As you may have heard me say over and over (I’m getting to that age!), kids are micromanaged. Increasingly they’re in adult-run classes, clubs and sports. Or they’re inside on a screen, instead of climbing a tree

  • The Lawyer on the Playground

    The Lawyer on the Playground1

    “Welcome! Play Safe” reads the sign at a Fairfax County Public School playground in Virginia just outside of Washington D.C. It goes on to list a few simple rules — 21, by my count. First off, the playground should never be used when it’s frozen. Or wet. There can be no climbing on things like

  • Baffled by a Playdate

    Baffled by a Playdate8

    A mom took to TikTok, begging for advice: “My kid was outside, another kid was walking outside somewhere, and then they stopped and started playing together.” She was baffled. The mom went on to explain that the unknown kid was 8 years old. He was polite and seemed well cared for. He came into the

  • Why Our Kids Would’ve Died in the Jungle

    Why Our Kids Would’ve Died in the Jungle2

    You may have heard that emergency workers recently rescued four siblings between the ages of 1 and 13 who had survived in the jungles of Colombia for 40 days after their plane crashed. After all the elation, much of the American public was left slightly confused: How could kids that young be that resourceful? “My


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