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  • John Horvat
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    John Horvat

    John Horvat II is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, and author of the book Return to Order, as well as the author of hundreds of published essays. He lives in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, where he is the vice president of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property.

Author's Posts

  • How a Fairy Tale Prince Became an Anti-Hero

    How a Fairy Tale Prince Became an Anti-Hero3

    If there is a figure that is not a role model, it is Prince Harry, son of Charles III of the United Kingdom. His ghostwriter-assisted memoir, Spare, presents not a fairy tale prince but a postmodern anti-hero intent upon destroying the ancient structures around him. The sordid details of the author’s tragic life are best left

  • An Undeserved Nobel Prize in Literature

    An Undeserved Nobel Prize in Literature3

    One purpose of literature is to draw people closer to the good, true, and beautiful. Authors find formulas to express the best of human nature, even when framed by tragedy or adversity. The writer should present perspectives that elevate, captivate, and draw others to consider sublime ideals. Thus, many literary authors were revered and remembered

  • Why Is the Toy Market Targeting Adults?

    Why Is the Toy Market Targeting Adults?3

    It is easy to dismiss adult toy-buying as a craze of little significance. But the appearance of the “kidult” is troubling from several perspectives, for it speaks of the state of a decadent culture that embraces childish and immature things. The kidult idea also participates in the postmodern desire to be what one is not.

  • Why Greta Thunberg Should Be Time’s ‘Person of the Year’

    Why Greta Thunberg Should Be Time’s ‘Person of the Year’0

    Time Magazine has announced that this year’s Person of the Year award will go to the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. The Swedish school-girl-turned-eco-activist has become the poster-girl of the climate change-turned-emergency worldwide. The choice was not surprising, given the media adulation for the girl who has traveled the globe with a minimal carbon footprint. Time has long abandoned