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Author's Posts

  • It’s Light Bulb Liberation Day

    It’s Light Bulb Liberation Day0

    The Department of Energy is putting down its guns and withdrawing troops in the war on the incandescent bulb that began in 2007. It’s pretty late in the day; the last factory to make them in the U.S. shut down in 2010. It’s hard to find them in a store, in which case: thank goodness

  • ‘Do Something’ Is a Dangerous Demand to Make of Politicians

    ‘Do Something’ Is a Dangerous Demand to Make of Politicians0

    Do Something, goes the suddenly popular chant. In response to the wave of mass killings this year, it’s being shouted at any available political figure. Be careful what you ask for.  It’s hard to imagine anything good can come of this slogan. To demand the state do something, anything, is short sighted and even dangerous.

  • Global Capitalism Makes Your Hipster Minimalism Possible

    Global Capitalism Makes Your Hipster Minimalism Possible0

    The family-owned barbecue truck at Porcfest was doing a bang-up business. I stood in line and finally ordered my plate of meat.  In years past, most vendors at this event processed Bitcoin for purchases, even as far back as 2011, when the idea of magic Internet money seemed goofy. All these years later, its inability to scale

  • Design Regulations Helped Ruin American Cars

    Design Regulations Helped Ruin American Cars7

    Your car looks like a box. So does every other car. It’s boring, even shocking when you consider how awesome cars used to look. What’s gone wrong? And to what extent has the design mess contributed to the decline of American auto manufacturing? A letter to the Wall Street Journal comes close but misses the point.


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