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Author's Posts

  • The Strangest Thing About the Debate

    The Strangest Thing About the Debate0

    It struck me about one hour into what Politico calls “the snarling incoherence of the latest Democratic presidential debate” that was “painfully hard to follow.”  What precisely was so painful?  It was not what divided this gaggle of politicians vying for your affection. It was what united them. They all agree that their job is to have

  • Frozen II: Saved by Blessedly Superficial Viewers

    Frozen II: Saved by Blessedly Superficial Viewers0

    Of the first Frozen movie, I probably wrote half a dozen articles. What was that magic ingredient that made it a plus-billion-dollar blockbuster, a culture-rocking achievement, a life-defining event for a whole generation of kids and their parents?  That’s a huge question. You can list every ingredient you want: the amazing characters, the charmed music,

  • It’s a Disservice to Urge Young People to Become Entrepreneurs

    It’s a Disservice to Urge Young People to Become Entrepreneurs0

    Talk to a businessperson today about hiring twenty-somethings and they will tell you what’s what. Too often they bump into: no skills, no discipline, no patience for customers, no concern for doing what the boss says, no clarity about what a job even is.  What’s gone wrong? Part of the answer is that young people

  • Why Women Workers Might Be Less Willing to Delegate

    Why Women Workers Might Be Less Willing to Delegate0

    People love demographic generalization of the workplace because they simplify what is actually incomprehensibly complex. So the newest study of professional women was destined to go viral: “Women Are Less Likely to Delegate Than Men—and That Might Hurt Their Careers.”  The study, part of a slew of workplace gender studies conducted by Columbia Business School, says absolutely


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